Certificate “Ethics of Intercultural Dialogue”
Course description
Globalization changes our lives. We communicate, work and live together with people from different cultures. Conflicts arise when we are confronted with values and moral concepts, which have been foreign to us so far. “How-to”-recipes and ready-made solutions for ethical problems quickly reach their limits.
“Ethics of Intercultural Dialogue” (EID) enables learners from around the world to tackle difficult ethical questions in their concrete life-worlds while at the same time looking through an intercultural lens. It thus helps to create a vibrant as well as robust culture of encounter by taking a philosophical stance. Here, political theories, (inter)cultural philosophy as well as historical implications play a major role.
Within 1.5 years students deepen their knowledge about fundamental ethical questions:
- How do we engage with people with ethical principles different from ours?
- What kind of ethical and political concepts are sound in a globalizing and yet unequal world?
- How can we orient ourselves and others towards creating a sustainable culture of encounter?
Part-time. 36 ECTS. 2-3 semesters. In cooperation with Jesuit Worldwide Learning. Starting in the fall semester. Further information in the exam regulations and study plan. More information here.
Cultural and Religious Diversity, in: Peace and International Development (JWL)
Course description
Barbara Schellhammer is involved in the JWL Online Course Peace and International Development with the Course Book "Cultural and Religious Diversity". It contains of 8 Units:
- Unit 1: My Cultural and Religious Roots
- Unit 2: What is Culture? Part I: The Danger of Extremes
- Unit 3: What is Culture? Part II: Culture as a “Web of Meaning”
- Unit 4: Religion as a Cultural System
- Unit 5: Ambivalence and Instrumentalization of Religion
- Unit 6: Culture and Self
- Unit 7: Cultural Blind Spots and Shadow Parts
- Unit 8: Towards Cultures of Peace
This is just one Course Book out of many that were designed by experts in the field of Peace Studies and Development Studies.
The online training course is part of the Professional Certificate Program by Jesuit Worldwide Learning (JWL) and was created in collaboration with Seitwerk.
Subject Matter Expert: Prof. Dr. Barbara Schellhammer.
Lernraum öko-soziale Transformation
In Kooperation mit der Domberg-Akademie und dem Heinrich Pesch Haus (HPH) wurde dieser öffentlich zugängliche Lernraum entwickelt. Referent*innen des ZGF, des HPH und Eva-Maria Schmitt, Referentin für ländliche Entwicklung KJLB Bundesstelle geben Einblicke in Ihre Forschungsbereiche, klären grundlegende Begriffe der Nachhaltigen Entwicklung und regen zum Nachdenken und Handeln an. Im Selbststudium können sich Lernende so kostenlos über die aktuelle Lage bzgl. Nachhaltigkeit und öko-sozialem Wandel informieren.
- Einführung öko-soziale Transformation
- Agrar- und Ernährungswende
- Konsum
- Energiewende
Der Lernraum ist kostenlos und öffentlich zugänglich. Legen Sie sich kostenlos ein Benutzerkonto an an und stöbern Sie durch alle Lernräume der Domberg-Akadmie.
Referent*innen: Dr. Thomas Steinforth, Eva-Maria Schmitt, Alice Bauer, Dr. Stefan Einsiedel.
Peace Leader (JWL)
Course description
The Peace Leader Certification is an applied six-month online introduction to the role and practices of a Peace Leader. The program endeavors to integrate selected best practices from peace studies and leadership studies. As Peace Leaders in training, students will examine and practice personal and communal skills and values that are foundational for nurturing a Culture of Peace. The Certification is designed around three core themes
- Self-awareness and Cultural awareness,
- Conflict resolution and reconciliation,
- and Servant-leadership.
Each theme is presented with theory and applied exercises designed to enhance the student’s awareness, skill, and familiarity with foundational methods and practices for Peace Leader development. A Practicum for the Peace Leader Certificate involves field work to be completed during the course of study.
The online training course is part of the Professional Certificate Program by Jesuit Worldwide Learning (JWL) and was created in collaboration with Seitwerk.
Subject Matter Experts: Dr. Elias Opongo SJ, Dr. John Horsman and Prof. Dr. Barbara Schellhammer.
Humans and the Environment (JWL)
Course description
The course "Humans and the Environment" contains four units whereof the first unit discusses ethical questions concerning sustainability. The second unit deals with examples of sustainable action and psychology of environmental protection. The third unit serves as preparation for the practice project, as story-writing and the power of stories for sustainable action is introduced. The practice project is conducted in the fourth unit.
The online course is part of the Academic Program by JWL and was created in collaboration with Seitwerk.
Subject Matter Expert: Lena Schützle
Sustainable Water Management (JWL)
Course description
During the ten weeks of the course "Sustainable Water Management", the students will first gain a sound understanding of the chemical and physical properties of water and how these enable and affect life on earth.They will learn about the most common forms of human use and abuse of water, their economic and legal aspects and about various forms and levels of water contamination. Then they will get accustomed to the holistic concept of sustainability and will learn the basics of sustainable water management both from the supply side (fresh water) as well as waste water management and flood protection. These academical and technical lessons will be complemented by best-practice examples and a final praxis experience where the students will be guided to plan and execute a local research or awareness project and will present and reflect their findings and experiences together.The online course is part of the Academic Program by JWL and was created in collaboration with Seitwerk.
Subject Matter Expert: Stefan Einsiedel
Flucht und Migration (vhb)
Kompetenz-ABC der Flüchtlingshilfe
Der Kurs behandelt einschlägige Themen rund um das aktuelle Thema "Flucht und Migration". Er gliedert sich auf in fünf Themenfelder: 1. gesellschaftliche und kulturelle Differenzen und deren Konsequenzen in der Arbeit mit Geflüchteten, 2. rechtliches und politisches Grundlagenwissen wie z.B. deutsches Asylrecht, aber auch internationale Menschenrechte, 3. Grundlagen der Migrationsforschung und der Ethik der Migration - auch im Zusammenhang mit Freiwilligenarbeit, 4. Wissen über Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze bei der Engagement-Arbeit mit Geflüchteten, 5. Grundlagenwissen zur Vermittlung von Basiskompetenzen der deutschen Sprache.
Der Onlinekurs wurde im Rahmen der virtuellen Hochschule Bayern (vhb) konzipiert. Prof. Dr. Barbara Schellhammer und Dr. Thomas Steinforth haben von Seiten des ZGF an den Kursinhalten mitgewirkt.
Trägerhochschule: KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.