Certificate Programme “Ethics of Intercultural Dialogue” (EID)

Learn more than just "diversity management", create effective and ethically sound synergies! Study online, part-time and workplace relevant with people from around the world to gain orientation for pressing ethical challenges.


Globalization changes our lives...

We increasingly communicate, work and live together with people from various cultures. Conflicts arise when different values and moral concepts clash. “How-to”-recipes and ready-made solutions for ethical problems quickly reach their limits.

“Ethics of Intercultural Dialogue” (EID) enables students and working professionals from around the world to tackle difficult ethical questions in their workplaces and life-worlds while looking through an intercultural lens. It creates a vibrant as well as robust culture of encounter by taking a philosophical stance. Here, political theories, interreligious dialogue, (inter)cultural philosophy as well as historical implications play a major role.

The programme combines critical reflection with concrete experiences and current disruptive developments, e.g. ethical concerns in pandemic times, normative implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI), journalism in times of war, climate crisis, human rights and business ethics. It instills practical knowledge as well as theoretical depth in participants to meaningfully orient and maneuver in a complex world.

Within 1.5 years students deepen their knowledge about fundamental ethical questions:

  • How do we engage with ethical principles different from ours?
  • What kind of ethical and political concepts are sound in a globalizing and yet unequal world?
  • How can we orient ourselves and others towards creating a sustainable culture of encounter?
  • What does it take to build a corporate culture that that will sustainably attract and retain skilled employees from around the world? 

„As experienced pediatrician, I am enthusiastically pursuing the M.A. 'Ethics'. Seeing the intercultural dimension in medical ethics opened a new window of ethical perspectives for me. Intercultural dialogue fosters the tension between being curious about otherness and critically reflecting on oneself. Thus, EID will be a huge inspiration with global reach, its innovative approach will make a difference for urgent ethical challenges!“
Prof. Dr. med. Hans-Jürgen Christen, MME (Bern)

Prof. Dr. med. Hans-Jürgen Christen, MME (Bern) studiert im weiterbildenden Master an der HFPH


EID consists of five modules that together award 36 ECTS points to students who successfully complete the programme. Two basic modules introduce into philosophical ethics, political theories, cultural implications of normative ideas as well as into special fields with distinct ethical challenges, such as economy, media and health. Intercultural challenges are cross-cutting themes. Two specializing modules and one module in philosophy help to deepen understanding.

2023 Übersicht Modulstudien EID EN

Key Facts

Study Programme

Module Studies of the Master in Ethics, Part time, Online, English


Certificate (36 ECTS)


flexible; 2-3 semester


Fall semester 2024/25


Study fees in total: 2.880 € (80 €/ 1 ECTS); the fee is payable in three instalments of 960 €

Q&A Session

30th July at 7pm CEST online: Zoom Link

If you have any difficulties joing the meeting, please contact julianne.mccormack@hfph.de


Higher Education Degree with at least 180 ECTS

English (B2)

Work experience


Target groups

The course is designed for working professionals and leaders who are confronted with the challenges of globalization in their professional contexts and are particularly interested in ethical reflection. These are, for example, people who work in international companies, educational institutions, non-governmental organizations, social work, churches, advocacy groups, medical fields incl. care work, political institutions or as freelance consultants. EID is also attractive for students who seek expertise in intercultural communication. Since this programme is a collaborative effort with Jesuit Worldwide Learning, marginalized people and refugees from around are also a crucial target group.

What do you gain?

  • A robust understanding of "culture" and "religion", their role in peace and conflict, particularly when normative principles and diverse values clash.
  • In-depth knowledge beyond simple "intercultural competence trainings", utilizing philosophical methods for concrete challenges in work and life.
  • The capacity to build a robust corporate culture that is effective, resilient and yet transformative, "diversity-able" and creative.
  • The ability to position yourself on sound arguments in difficult ethical questions and thus to lead responsibly in a globalizing world.
  • "Alien-ability", the ability to engage with what is strange or concerning in meaningful and considerate ways.
  • Knowledge about intercultural dialogue and practical skills by doing it throughout the programme.


Prof. Dr. Barbara Schellhammer

Prof. Dr. Barbara Schellhammer
Professor for Intercultural Social Transformation


Julianne McCormack

Julianne McCormack
EID Programme-Coordinator




Einschreibung (Enrollment)

Prüfungsordnung (Exam regulations, DE)


In cooperation with

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