The Future of Academic Learning

Four European institutions for higher education – Leuphana University (Lüneburg), Trnava University (Trnava), HFPH (Munich), and The Newman Institute (Uppsala) – are launching the project Blended Multilogues: Enhancing Transformation and Innovation in Higher Education.

The aim of the project is to develop new innovative approaches to learning that enable collaboration on shared problems.

The vision is to bring together not only teachers and students but other interested parties and to create spaces for multidimensional dialogue, i.e. multilogues, where participants may interact both face to face and online.


Trainers for Multilogue

The final event of this project is a Train the Trainer event for blended Multilogues on the 13th of September 2024. Our participants get enabled to create a learning environment in which:

  • Diverse perspectives engage with each other in a fruitful manner
  • On-site and online participants are brought together
  • Tackling real-world problems gets encouraged
  • Traditional classroom hierarchies are broken

You want to join us in this mission? Sign up or learn more here.



A collaborative ”Hackathon” in Sweden and online

Uppsala, 26–30 September 2022
(28-29 September online)

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In September 2022, an open-space workshop – a ”Hackathon” – took place at the Newman Institute in Uppsala, Sweden, and online. During this week, students and teachers worked together to collect ideas and solve problems. Drawing on the students’ and teachers’ expertise, the Hackathon resulted in a collection of solutions – a Toolkit – best practices and visions that will help design future academic education.

The Hackathon was coorganized by four European institutions for higher education – Leuphana University (Lüneburg), Trnava University (Trnava), HFPH (Munich), and The Newman Institute (Uppsala), and part of the project Blended Multilogues: Enhancing Transformation and Innovation in Higher Education.


For more information and to apply, please contact