Mehr Informationen zum Modulstudium Ethics of Interreligious Dialogue.
An der University of Deutso trafen sich Expert*innen des Christlich-Muslimischen Dialogs zu einem hybriden Symposium. Alessandro Ferrary hielt neben vielen weiteren wichtigen Impulsen die Keynote speech.
Ein großer Dank geht an das HEST-Netzwerk für die Ermöglichung dieser einzigartigen Zusammenkunft.
"There is a tension between universalism and communitarianism incontemporary plural democracies, particularly in relation to Christianity and Islam. Both traditions have a claim to universality, but they also seek to maintaintheir own values and community life within plural societies. This raises questionsabout whether modifications should be made to facilitate the assumption ofshared values, or whether these traditions should defend their values andidentity in a society with increasingly distant shared values. How can religioustraditions appropriate social values and what ethical references can be used tobuild a shared morality in plural societies?" (retreived from flyer).