Othering and Belonging Conference in Oakland, California

Die diesjährige Othering and Belonging Conference findet Ende April in Oakland statt. Eine Online-Teilname ist möglich. Lena Schützle wird vor Ort an der Konferenz teilnehmen und dies mit einem einmonatigen Forschungsaufenthalt in Kalifornien verbinden.

Belonging without othering

Belonging without othering is a radical new proposition to create a shared future for all including our earth. It will take all of us to build that shared future in which to live, together. Where might belonging without othering, as a political, social, economic, and spiritual frame, take us? We hope you will help answer that question in April, joining over 1,700 attendees, speakers, and culturemakers across richly diverse issue areas, geographies, and places of work. Our conference will center bridging as a response to fracturing and elevate the need for more complex and nuanced stories that reflect our true, multi-layered identities.

