Nov 25th 2024: Story and Place – the Importance of Oral Traditions in Philosophy. A Conversation with Gwich’in Researcher Alestine Andre.

We are looking forward to this conversation with Gwitch'in Researcher Alestine Andre, her partner and artist Itai Katz and Jaana Kretzschmar, who graduaded from the Munich School of Philosophy with a price-winning Bachelor thesis on oral traditions in philosophy.


4 pm - 5:30 pm, Hörsaal

Welcome note & introduction
- by Barbara Schellhammer

Story and place and the importance of oral traditions
- presentation by Alestine Andre

Experiences & Learnings
- comment by Itai Katz

Conversation with all

Meta-Reflection of Orality in Philosophy
- presentation by Jaana Kretzschmar based on her Bachelor thesis on "Oral Traditions in Philosophy. Indigenous Storytelling as an Epistemological Practice"


Open for all, no registration necessary.

Spoken language English, but you can phrase your questions in German and we help to translate.