4.-7. June 2024: The 12th International Conference on the Dialogical Self in Tallinn

On the conference in Tallinn, Barbara Schellhammer will hold a workshop on "Becoming 'alien-able'– A creative self-care exercise engaging with your shadow". One of our famous guests on the Kontrapunkte Blog and Podcast will give a keynote speech.

Reinekke Lengelle from Canada will give one of the keynote lectures. Listen to her conversation with the ZGF student assistant Jaana Kretzschmar in our new Kontrapunkte Podcast episode.

Learn more about the Dialogical Self Conference here: The 12th International Conference on the Dialogical Self | TLÜ koolitus- ja konverentsikeskus (tlu.ee)


More Information on Barbara Schellhammer's Workshop

Becoming 'alien-able'– A creative self-care exercise engaging with your shadow

The workshop starts out by a short introduction of the philosophical notion of “self-care” highlighting
its importance to become “response-able” in alienating situations. It uses the metaphorical method of
the “inner theatre” particularly aiming at hidden parts, in Jungian terms, the “shadow”. The session
works with personal case studies and encourages participants to enter the creative space between a
distanced meta-position (as the “artistic director”) and their engagement “on the stage”, imagining
themselves in particular roles. The goal is to get to know inner shadow parts in order to strengthen the
participant’s “alien-ability”, being able to respond, instead of just reacting in difficult encounters.
Thus, the workshop also practices and reflects on our “ex-centric positionality” as human beings.


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