>In Need of a Master< (2019)

Political Theologies in the Era of Immanence


In our so-called “postmodern” age of widespread ideological critique, the correlation between transcendence and immanence proves increasingly problematic. Historically mediated phantasmagoria of state, nation, ‘the people’ and religious belief can no longer pretend to be part of the basic structures of reality. Their dogmatic form is revealed as contingent and self-made and the insight – trickling down into modern common sense – paved the way for a culture of diversification. The latter, though, helped also reactionary and conservative political movements to rise. How can they be understood and dealt with? And how are phenomena like the authoritarianism of right-wing populism to be interpreted in the horizon of political theology? Are these political movements in combination with fundamentalist forms of religion less a reactionary phenomenon than a symptom of a political awakening? These and similar question will be discussed at this international conference as it looks out for new forms of political theology in our current age of immanence.

Among the speakers are Thomas Bedorf, Oliver Flügel-Martinsen, Oliver Marchart, John Milbank, Clemens Pornschlegel, Joseph Vogl, Daniel Weidner et al. 




Part 1 (May 2019): 


Donnerstag, 9. Mai 2019

09.00 ̶  09.15 Uhr

Begrüßung und Einführung

Rebekka Klein (Bochum) / Dominik Finkelde (München)

09.15 ̶  10.15 Uhr

Kontingenz ertragen? Die Herausforderung der Demokratie

Oliver Flügel-Martinsen (Bielefeld)

10.15  ̶  10.45 Uhr


10.45 ̶  11.45 Uhr

Im Namen des Vaters? Gesetz – Geschlecht – Religion

Ino Augsberg (Kiel)

11.45 ̶  12.45 Uhr  

Liberalismus – antik und modern. Die Verteidigung der Demokratie mit Hannah Arendt und Leo Strauss

Thomas Meyer (Berlin/München)

12.45 ̶  14.00 Uhr


14.00 ̶  15.00 Uhr

Trans and Cis. Identity Migration and the Decentering of Guilt Collectives

Luca di Blasi (Bern)

15.00 ̶  16.00 Uhr

Three Concepts of Political Theology. On how (not) to Navigate Stuckness

Florian Grosser (California College of the Arts / Berkeley)

16.00  ̶ 16.30 Uhr


16.30 ̶  17.30 Uhr  

Smashing Words. Prophetic Modes and Alternative Political Theologies 

Daniel Weidner (Berlin)

17.30 ̶  18.30 Uhr  

Universalität und Spaltung. Zur Paranoia als transzendentale Bedingung politischer Wahrheit

Dominik Finkelde (München)

Freitag, 10. Mai 2019

09.00 ̶  10.00 Uhr

Stiftungen des Politischen. Öffnungen der reinen Immanenz

Thomas Bedorf (Hagen)

10. 00 ̶  10.30 Uhr


10.30 ̶  11.30 Uhr

Sklaven ohne Herrn. Goethes Faust als moderner Führer

Clemens Pornschlegel (München)

11.30 ̶  12.30 Uhr


Apologie des Etatismus. Zur radikaldemokratischen Institutionentheorie am Beispiel von Armee und Tribunat

Oliver Marchart


Part 2 (October 2019)


09:00 – 09:15

Begrüßung und Einführung

Rebekka Klein / Dominik Finkelde

9:15 – 10:15

Souveränitätsfiguren in der Geschichte des

Joseph Vogl

10:45 – 11:45

Das Relative als das Absolute?
Das Politische zwischen
Kontingenz und Verkörperung

Philipp Stoellger

11:45 – 12:45

Meister, Väter und Surrogate –
mit Blick auf Autorität und
Vertikalität, Autoritarismus und
identitären Populismus

Burkhard Liebsch

14:00 – 15:00

Interrupting His Master‘s Voice.
Mythos and Logos in Political Theologies of the 20th Century

Marius Timmann Mjaaland

15:00 – 16:00

What does Spinoza‘s title
Theological Political Treatise

Dimitris Vardoulakis

16:30 – 17:30

Enmity as Cast Shadow of Love

Günter Thomas

17:30 – 18:30

„How Far“ Can a Democratic Order
Endure Future Transcendence?

Ferdinando Menga


09:00 – 10:00

„That things are ‚status quo‘ is the catastrophy.“ – The Necessity of an
Apocalyptic Political Theology

Jürgen Manemann

10:00 – 11:00

Performing Omniscience. A Political
Theology of Surveillance Culture

Hanna Reichel

11:30 – 12:30

From Less Than Nothing Towards a
Politics of Fictions and a Communal
Life Worth Living Beyond Masters

Johann Albrecht Meylahn

12:30 – 14:00

Keynote: John Milbank