Bernhard Bauer is professor for software methodologies for distributed systems at the UNIA.
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Schlögl-Flierl
Kerstin Schlögl-Flierl is professor for moral theology at the UNIA.
Alena Buyx is professor for medical ethics at the TUM, Director of the institute for history and ethics of medicine and owner of the professorship ethics in medicine and health technologies.
Ruth Müller ist Associate Professor of Science & Technology Policy at the TUM und Vice Dean for Talent Management & Diversity.
Hochschule für Philosophie München
Michael Reder is professor for practical philosophy at the HFPH, owner of the professorship for practical philosophy with the main focus international understanding and vice president for research.
Benjamin Rathgeber is professor for philosophy of science, natural- and technical philoyophy with main focus on artificial intelligence at the HFPH.