Parallax: The Dialectics of Mind and World
"Parallax brings together a remarkable group of philosophers around the problem of conceptualizing the identity and difference of mind and world. It represents, in a way, the "continental" response to the canonical "analytic" formulation of the problem put forth in McDowell's Mind and World (along with the vast literature it generated). Under the heading of "parallax," a notion introduced into philosophy by Slavoj Zizek, the present volume takes a step further; it makes it possible to include in our thinking about the core problem the very split and antagonism between these two traditions of thinking the problem. The essays are challenging and not for the faint at heart; given the stakes at issue one could hardly imagine it any other way." ― Eric L. Santner, The Philip and Ida Romberg Distinguished Service Professor of Modern Germanic Studies, The University of Chicago, USA
"The notion of parallax, as discussed in the contributions of this volume, offers a radical, surprising as well as disturbing perspective on the inextricable gap between mind and world: provoking a new and productive approach to the understanding of our - epistemic, scientific, aesthetic, ethical, and political - realities." ― Joseph Vogl, Professor of Modern German Literature, Cultural and Media Studies, Humboldt University, Berlin, and Princeton University, Germany and USA