On the Importance of Intellectual Humility in Becoming a Person

Research Project as part of the "The Science and Philosophy of Intellectual Humility" Project at St. Louis University (Eleonore Stump and John Greco) Funded by the John Templeton Foundation



 [LTR: Andrew Pinsent, Jesper Kallestrup, Ludwig Jaskolla, Liselotte Gierstl, William Hoye, Naomi Eilan, John Greco, Godehard Brüntrup, and Katherine Dormandy; Humble Minds Workshop 03/2015]


The project as a whole aims at an integrated model of human growth and the actualization of the self. It builds on insights from process philosophy and recent research in psychology. One of its key motivations is the idea that recent approaches to humility fail to account for certain of its essential features. In contrast to this, our project argues that a more complete concept of humility can be shown to play an important role for the the understanding of human growth and self-realization.

The project is divided into two main phases: Within the first philosophical phase, it will develop a theory of humility as a regulative meta-virtue for our dynamic model of human life and growth. Within the second interdisciplinary phase, it will argue for a concept of humility that is integrated into recent psychological and philosophical accounts of human motivation.

The project encompasses advanced (Post-Doc) research both within the philosophy of mind and action as core-area as well as within empirical psychology and – to some extent – philosophy of religion. Additionally, it will disseminate its findings within graduate seminars, a lecture series, a final workshop and anticipated publications.


Please also visit the SLU-project webpage: humility.slu.edu


Munich, August 2014

Godehard Brüntrup & Ludwig Jaskolla