Application until 15th of June 2023 // Deadline extended, please reach out to us!
To apply, please send a short letter of motivation and your CV to
Feel free to reach out to us in case you have questions.
What you need: English, curiosity, openness, 5 days.
What you get: European exchange, networking experiences, insight into future learning settings, funding for expenses (travel/food (partly)/accommodation), certificate.
The Munich School of Philosophy and the Newman Institute, Uppsala, are organizing a multilogue on socio-ecological transformation in Uppsala, October 23–27, 2023. Students from Leuphana University, Trnava University, the Munich School of Philosophy and the Newman institute are invited to participate.
In accordance with the Paris agreement, national governments are aiming at preventing human-made global warming from exceeding 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels. Because of this, many politicians are now focusing on reducing the emission of greenhouse gases, in particular CO2, through regulation, taxation, and other means. But the emission of greenhouse gases is part of a greater problem. Excessive resource use seems to be built into the very fabric of modern civilized economies. And while human-made global warming is at the forefront of many discussions, scientists are also warning of the ongoing poisoning of soil and oceans, the extinction of species with the resulting disruptions to ecosystems, and more. In order to safeguard a hopeful future for all, societies must be transformed on various levels so as to become both ecologically and socially sustainable.
Living within planetary boundaries is not an unattainable goal. However, finding new ways requires new thinking and new ways of collaborating at all levels of science and society. And successful collaboration, in turn, requires openness and curiosity and willingness to learn on all sides. Let’s come together in Uppsala to learn, collaborate, and enter the discussion.
The purpose of the Multilogue in Uppsala is to gain deeper knowledge about one action area of the socio-ecological transformation. The students will form international and transdisciplinary teams and pursue independent research, engage in discussions with the other teams, with experts, and with other interested parties, and publish a short essay on a digital communication platform ( The aim of the multilogue is to facilitate a form of cooperation where the knowledge, experiences and skills of all involved parties will be made accessible.
What? Multilogue on social-ecological transformation
When? 22nd-28th October 2023
Where? Uppsala, Schweden (incl. 1 day in Stockholm)
Who? Students of 4 European universities (all levels)