Buchpräsentation: Epistemic Injustice and Violence

Buchpräsentation mit Szenen aus dem Forumtheater zu Macht, Wissen und Teilhabe. Wir feiern mit Ihnen und Euch das Erscheinen des Sammelbandes Epistemic Injustice and Violence (Schützle/Schellhammer/Yadav/Kather/Thomine) bei transcript. Das Buch ist auf Englischer Sprache verfasst, die Veranstaltung wird jedoch auf Deutsch stattfinden. Eine Veranstaltung für Studierende, Interessierte und Wissenschaftler*innen.



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Epistemic Injustice and Violence

Exploring Knowledge, Power, and Participation in Philosophy and Beyond


The practice of philosophy has led to both emancipation and exclusion in society. Questions around how philosophy should be practiced, who should engage in it, and with which issues philosophy should deal are subject to debate and controversy. This volume is dedicated to the special role of epistemic injustice and violence in philosophy. By shedding light on the inherent unjust structures of academic philosophy, the contributors to this volume help to better understand this powerful tool that impacts the academic landscape as well as individual and collective ways of being. From graphic novel to philosophical essay, they design a concept of transformative philosophy and offer various entry points to the conversation.


Critic’s Reviews
»There has been a fervently critical movement of academic decolonization against Ivory-Tower academic philosophy, erected on the so-called foundation of impeccably unencumbered reason. This anthology is one of the latest incarnations of this critical trend, but its manifestation is appreciably far more unconventional both in its tenor and vehicle.« (Prof. Bijoy H. Boruah, Indian Institute of Technology Jammu)